Local guides invite you to a meeting with Gdansk’s districts in a special, virtual reveal. They share photos from family archives and stories, take you for a walk along the trail of memories, places and objects. From April 17th, you can find never published before anecdotes and materials about the districts, which are being shown around in the summer by local guides from Zaspa, Biskupia Gorka, Dolne Miasto, Nowy Port, Orunia, Oliwa and Wyspa Sobieszewka on Facebook, Instagram and website of City Culture Institute.
– Usually in the spring, local guides prepare for the summer guided tours of the neighborhoods happening during open lectures and walks. This year, when we are at homes, local guides can still take you for a walk along the path of personal stories, memories, places and objects – says Barbara Sroka from the City Culture Institute.
Over the next few weeks, Institute’s social media will be full of new content about the neighborhoods, which are being presented by the local guides. Find us at: https://www.facebook.com/IKMgdansk, https://www.instagram.com/ikm_gdansk, www.ikm.gda.pl.
Stories about the districts began with Dolne Miasto. Among other things, we can learn about the factories’ history and plants operating in the district before the II World War. Jacek Gorski, the local guide to Dolne Miasto creates narrations with the help of objects developed in those factories. The video is available on Institute’s Facebook: https://bit.ly/DolneMiasto_szlakiem_przedmiotow. Memories and photographs from the archives of Elzbieta Woroniecka, Danuta Pluzinska-Siemieniuk and Joanna Lewandowska have also been published.
There are archival photos and memories of local guides showing how the districts once looked, illustrating family events or events important for the city and the district on Instagram (also on Instastories), Facebook and Institute’s website. The materials are being saved, so that you can return to them at any time.
Timetable for presenting virtual stories about Gdansk’s districts:
Dolne Miasto – April 17th,
Zaspa – April 20th,
Nowy Port – April 22nd,
Oliwa – April 24th,
Biskupia Gorka – April 27th,
Orunia – April 29th,
Wyspa Sobieszewska – May 1st,
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Local Guides are neighborhood enthusiasts, local experts on the history and stories of the places with which their childhood and adult memories are associated. In the summer, they show tourists and Tri-City residents around along alternative urban routes through the Collection of Mural Art in Zaspa, Dolne Miasto, Biskupia Gorka, Nowy Port, Orunia, Oliwa and Wyspa Sobieszewska for free. More information at: http://ikm.gda.pl/lokalniprzewodnicy.