Medialab combines culture, social activism, education and technology. We create the space for experiments and cooperation; we share our knowledge and look for new solutions. We work to promote responsible new media and technologies usage for culture and social development.
Main areas of activity:
Public domain popularisation is one of Medialab activity areas. Website, which was established with the help of Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, is dedicated to public domain issue. It presents particular collections from Polish digital libraries as well as straightforward information about the public domain concept. One can find there interesting facts about Gdańsk’s districts (Nowy Port) or St. Dominic’s Fair coverage.
“Wyszukane”/ “Found” (in public domain) souvenirs, which are available for sale, belong to the project as well. First series of “Wyszukane” consists of mugs, cork mats, puzzles, paper bookmarks, magnetic postcards and magnets. Among graphics used in the production one may find Matthäus Deisch’s prints, flyers, notices from pre-war Gdańsk papers or colourful covers of Polish River Shipping “Vistula” (Polska Żegluga Morska) folders.
Project website:
Media Education
In 2013 we prepared a report “Dzieci Sieci” (Web Kids), which depicted the results of an eight-month work of a ten-person researchers’ team, who took up the topic of communication competence connected with the Internet usage by students aged 13-16.
The report is available here:
We also run trainings for culture section – Akademia Nowych Mediów (New Media Academy.)
New Media Academy is a comprehensive project, which aims to increase the competence of culture section staff in the range of media and informative education. In 2014 we organised workshops on digital strategy planning for culture institutes, WordPress on beginner and intermediate levels and website or mobile application usage of “Otwarte Zabytki” (Open Monuments.)
In autumn 2015 a course “Social Media in Culture Institute” was carried out.
We highly recommend checking the publication “Social Media in Culture Institutes”, which sums up the project and it’s available in pdf, epub or mobi formats here: Social media in culture institutes.
You may also check out our interactive infographic of New Media Academy, which in just 20 steps shows us how to create posts, which draw the readers’ attention.
You can find more information here:
New Media Workshop is a project created in 2015, which will somehow complete the Academy with new workshops’ materials. As part of the project we deal with issues such as online safety, using the possibilities of new media while working and studying, creative benefiting from pieces found in public domain.
Project website: and training platform working as part of project
We are the patrons of Edukator Medialny blog.
Karina Rojek
Graduated from the University of Gdańsk (History of Art). She is supporting the performance of Medialab projects of the City Culture Institute related to media education and transparency of cultural institutions. Editor of, a website promoting public domain and digital libraries. She is engaged in promoting using open resources in education and in propagating the openGLAM idea. Co-creator of the “wyszukane” [search returns] project – mementos of Gdańsk based on motifs found in the public domain. She is mostly interested in the architecture of the early 20th century and the history of the Free City of Danzig.
tel. 664974079