50 works of Gdansk’s artists as well as culture creators will be presented at the Gdansk 2020 online exhibition. – The extent of interest surprised us. As many as 437 submissions were received in the open call – says Aleksandra Szymanska, director of the City Culture Institute. The works will be available from June 3rd at: http://ikm.gda.pl/gdansk2020/.
The theme of the Gdansk 2020 exhibition is the situation in the time of crisis caused by forced isolation seen both from an individual and wider perspective of the entire artistic community. Works and concepts of new realizations could have been submitted from any artistic field.
– The selection of works was very difficult. Not only because of the number of applications, but also because we had to compare existing works with concepts, as well as works that use different languages. At the same time, we treat this diversity as a value – we wanted to show different styles and genres, to reflect the artistic diversity of the Gdansk’s scene. Notably, one of the goals of the project was to support artists and the specific circumstances of the project’s execution do not allow it to be carried out in the manner required by exhibitions implemented under ‘normal’ conditions. We worked on a selection of applications in a group of several people. Internally, we often differed in the assessments of individual proposals, and decided on the final choice, bearing in mind the exhibition as a whole. If we receive additional funds for which we are applying (e.g. from the Culture in the Network program from the National Center for Culture), we plan to expand the exhibition – says Aleksandra Szymanska, director of the City Culture Institute.
A total of 50 works of the following artists will be presented at the Gdańsk 2020 exhibition (some are submitted in collectives):
Dorota Androsz oraz Anna Kalwajtys i Artur Lis „ZOOM IT | Makro Zbliżenia”, Bang Bang Design (Natalia Marszałek, Katarzyna Postawka, Katarzyna Zwierzyńska, Żaneta Strawiak) „Lapidarium Pandemii – cykl plakatów”, Beniovska (Paulina Czerek) „Izolacja”, Karolina Bracławiec „Oddech nie – działania”, Magda Danaj „Nie ma wyjścia”, Dolne Miasto Pany (Kora Tea Kowalska, Szymon Szyszko) „Cztery fazy kryzysu (na podstawie życia i Geralda Caplana)”, Joanna Duda „COVINSTA-STORY”, Marcin Dymiter „EMITER MUZYKA NA CZAS PANDEMII 2020”, Elvin Flamingo i Jowita Nowakowska-Gołacka „The Symbiosity of Creation VOL.2 (Self Cells Portrait)”, Joanna Fluder „Nadejdzie wiatr”, Gdańsk Necropolitan Orchestra (Maciej Sadowski, Dawid Lipka) „Puste miasto Gdańsk”, Good Girl Killer (Magda Jędra, Anna Steller) „OK?”, Filip Ignatowicz „Trzecia półkula” albo „Screenshoty z czasu kwarantanny” (tytuł roboczy), Alicja Karska i Aleksandra Went „Pieszo latając”, Tomasz Kopcewicz „Odyseja 2020”, Jacek Kornacki „KoronaI”, „Korona II”, „Korona III”, Anna Królikiewicz „Stół”, Julia Kul „Ministerstwo Anomii”, LASY (Maciej Wojcieszkiewicz, Jacek Prościński) „LA/ /SY”, Aurora Lubos „Antoni Kępiński w czasie zarazy”, Honorata Martin „Bańka”, Honorata Martin i Piotr Pawlak „Dzień dobry”, Dorota Nieznalska „bez tytułu”, Anna Orbaczewska „bez tytułu”, Patrycja Orzechowska „Lament pochowanej wody”, Magdalena Pela „Ok, do usłyszenia”, Jakub Pieleszek „Kwarantanna 2020”, Barbara Piórkowska „Terra abscondita. Zielnik kwarantanny”, Łukasz Ratajczyk „Nowa normalność 2.0”, Maciej Salamon „Firma portretowa M. Salamon”, Shoegaze & Dub (Karol Schwarz, Kasia Fortuna, Anna Knoff) „Szubienica (ft. Wymaz)”, Dominika Skutnik „Pandemia”, Smutne historie spisane na kacu i szarym papierze (Iskra) „pytania ostateczne”, Katarzyna Swinarska „My—Wspólny organizm”, Mariusz Otta „Gry 2020”, Agnieszka Szreder i Rafał Żwirek „Jak umarło morze”, Krzysztof Topolski (Arszyn) „Ciche Miasto Gdańsk”, Mikołaj Trzaska i Antoni Trzaska „Spacerniak, czyli This Is Not a Promised Land, Dorota Walentynowicz „ćwiczenia z utraty kontroli” (tytuł roboczy), Olgierd Walicki „Buda, baza, gawra”, Mariusz Waras „#fakemural”, Anna Witkowska „Piktogramy czasu zarazy”, Krzysztof Wróblewski „We are in touch”, Piotr Wyrzykowski „Instrukcja trwania”, Tomasz Zabłotny i Paweł Maszota „Mały Dom na Szynach”, Grzegorz Zając „Czerwone koło”, Iwona Zając „Ziemia domaga się ciała”, Marcin Zawicki „Dies Irae” (fragment serii malarskiej), Tomek Zerek „Lock down”, Marek Zygmunt „Expecting Mahomet”.
The opening in an online form is scheduled for the 3rd of June, 2020. The exhibition can be viewed at http://ikm.gda.pl/gdansk2020/.
Part of the exhibition’s budget channeled for royalties for artists is 100,000 zloty that comes from funds planned for Institute’s events, from which the institution has resigned.